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张雪海1, 李吉跃2, 刘娟娟1, 刘刚3
关键词:  CO2浓度倍增  干旱胁迫  蒸腾耗水速率  蒸腾耗水量  叶面积
Interactive effect of doubled CO2 concentration and different drought stress on daily variation in transpiring water-consumption of tree saplings
Zhang Xue-Hai, Li Ji-Yue1, Liu Juan-Juan2, Liu Gang3
1.South China Agricultural University;2.Beijing Forestry University;3.Hexi District of Tianjin Authority garden
Daily variation of water consumption and transpiring rates of saplings of 4 tree species planted in different CO2 concentrations and drought stress were studied by BP3400 Precision Electronic Balance and Licor-7000 Open Analysis in the summer of 2007. The results showed that the interaction of doubled CO2 concentrations with drought stress reduced the water consumption and transpiring rates of the saplings effectively. Throughout the whole drought stress period, the average daily water consumptions of Fraxinus velutina, Syringa oblate and Buxus sinica planted in the doubled CO2 concentration reduced averagely by 33% 、41% and 45% respectively than those in the normal CO2 concentration. During the period of severe drought stress, the daily average transpiring rates of F. velutina, S. oblate,B. sinica and P. orientalis planted in the doubled CO2 concentration reduced averagely by 50%-65% respectively. The leaf areas of saplings in the doubled CO2 concentration were higher than those in the normal. And the longer the saplings grown in the doubled CO2 concentration,the more leaf areas of the saplings increased.
Key words:  doubled CO2 concentration  drought stress  transpiring water-consumption rate  water consumption  leaf areas