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关键词:  红树林 桐花树 秋茄 柑橘长卷蛾
Homona coffearia Study on Aegiceras corniculatum Community in Guang Dong
Xu Jiaxiong
Homona coffearia is a important insect pest on Aegiceras corniculatum community of mangrove, at the mangrove of part field in Guang Dong, the insect pest already work graveness harm to Aegiceras corniculatum, it already work harm to Kandelia obovata. Homona coffearia at Aegiceras corniculatum tree completed 6 generations of a year, use the middle-larva live through the winter, the insect pest period of complete generation need 38 days ~ 58 days from firstly generation to fifthly generation, the insect pest period of complete generation need 130 days ~ 137 days to live through the winter. On Aegiceras corniculatum community, the larva harms twig or leaf or anthotaxy or fruit, On Aegiceras corniculatum+ Kandelia obovata community, the larva harms twig or tender leaf of Kandelia obovata. On Aegiceras corniculatum community, at 5 month of the first ten days of a month ~ 5 month of the last ten days of a month and 9 month of the first ten days of a month ~ 10 month of the first ten days of a month, the amounts of harmed twig and harmed leaf have two high period of time, the quantity of Homona coffearia and the harm twig quantity with leaf a quantity positive related on Aegiceras corniculatum community, the population quantity of Homona coffearia also corresponding have two high period of time, but autumn quantity of insect pest high period of time only contain 29% of the spring quantity of insect pest high period of time. Homona coffearia amounts and the spider amounts proportion 1: 0.33, the spider amounts proportion of forest is small.
Key words:  mangrove,Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia obovata,, Homona coffearia