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孙丽静1, 陈红跃1, 方卓林2, 黎建力2, 黄久香1
文章对广东省佛山市主要风水林群落表层土壤(0~20 cm)的持水特性进行了调查研究,结果表明:云端村、碧云村、寺边村、院头村风水林群落土壤持水能力较好,石潭刘村、塾坑村、荔枝塘村、山布村、宫花塘村、伦涌村、谭南村、杨坳村、新誉洞村风水林群落土壤持水能力中等,平南村、坑美村、万石头村的则较差。16个风水林群落枯落物最大持水率和最大持水量均低于南亚热带山地季风常绿阔叶林和全国平均水平。其表层土壤总孔隙蓄水量平均为97.26 mm,非毛管孔隙蓄水量平均为19.18 mm。土壤持水性各项指标之间显示出不同的相关性,土壤持水性与<0.01 mm土粒含量百分率、有机质含量和通气孔隙度呈极显著正相关。
关键词:  土壤持水特性 枯落物 土壤物理性状 佛山市 风水林
Water–holding Characteristic of 0~20 cm Depth Soil in Fengshui Woods of Foshan City
Sun Lijing1, Chen Hongyue1, Fang Zhuolin2, Li Jianli2, Huang Jiuxiang1
1.College of Forestry, South China Agricultural University;2.Popularization Center of Agricultural and Forest Technology of Nanhai District
This article bases on the investigation of water holding characteristic of 0~20 cm depth soil in Fengshui woods community in Foshan City, Guangdong province. The results show: the water–holding capacities of the soil of Yunduan, Biyun, Sibian and Yuantou are better; Shitanliu, Shukeng, Lizhitang, Shanbu, Gonghuatang, Lunyong, Tangnan, Yang’ao and Xinyudong are in the middle; Pingnan, Kengmei and Wanshitou are low.Compared with the south subtropics hilly monsoon evergreen broadleaves forests and the national average levels, the litter in these 16 Fengshui woods have low max moisture retention rate and the max moisture retention capacity. In these 16 Fengshui woods communities, the average water storage capacity of 0~20 cm depth soil total porosity is 97.26 mm, average water storage capacity of non–capillary porosity is 19.18 mm.The indexes of water holding characteristic of soil show different relevance. And the water holding characteristic of soil shows significantly positive correlation with soil texture, soil organic matter and the ventilative voidage.
Key words:  water–holding characteristic, litter, soil physical properties, Foshan City, Fengshui woods