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陈礼芬1, 黄小凤1, 蔡楚雄1, 刘世平1, 曹洪麟2
关键词:  生态公益林 树种 季节节律 气候条件
The Early Growth Seasonal Rhythm and the Relationship with Climate of Different Tree Species for Stand Conversion in Dongguan Ecological Forest
Chen Lifen1, Huang Xiaofeng1, Cai Chuxiong1, Liu Shiping1, Cao Honglin2
1.Botanical Garden of Dongguan City;2.SouthChina Botanical Garden of Science Academy of China
The basic diameter of stem and height of 55 tree species for stand conversion of ecological forest in Dongguan city were investigated in each season for two years. The results showed that: Trees grown faster between spring equinox and autumn equinox. For most tree species, growth rate was influenced by temperature mostly, precipitation secondly, and sunshine hours the least. The most suitable conditions of temperature and precipitation were between spring equinox and middle summer. Further analysis found that: Dolichandrone cauda–felina, Kigelia africana, Phoebe bournei, Gmelina arborea, Mytilaria laosensis, Toona sinensis, Cinnamomum burmannii were sensitive to conditions of temperature and precipitation; Castanopsis hystrix, Carallia brachiata, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Rapanea neriifolia, Cinnamomum camphora, Michelia macclurei, Schima wallichii,Erythrophloeum fordii had well compatibilities. Dolichandrone cauda–felina, Kigelia africana, Gmelina arborea, Gmelina chinensis, Syzygium cumini, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Mangifera persiciformis adapted to conditions with higher temperature and more precipitation, who had the highest growth rate between middle summer and autumn equinox. Acmena acuminatissima,Erythrophloeum fordii, Artocarpus heterophyllus,Syzygium cumini,Elaeocarpus chinensis were more influenced by sunshine hours, and Rapanea neriifolia,Sloanea sinensis,Nageia fleuryi,Jacaranda mimosifolia,Carallia btachiata,Mangifera persiciformis were less influenced. The results above had conductive significance for plant introduction and selection of tree species.
Key words:  ecological forest, tree species, seasonal rhythm, climate