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许建新1, 张金像1, 许涵1, 庄雪影1, 陈智营2, 何志东2
关键词:  深山含笑 模拟酸雨 抗酸雨能力 解剖结构
Growth Adaptation of Seedlings of Michelia maudiae Dunn to Acid Rain Stress
Xu Jianxin1, Zhang Jinxiang1, Xu Han1, Zhuang Xueying1, Chen Zhiying2, He Zhidong2
1.College of Forestry, South China Agricultural University;2.Zhuhai Environmental Protection and Monitoring Station
The effect of the simulated acid rain on the seedling of Michelia maudiae Dunn was studied by the spray experiment and wax dissection technique. The growth responses (leaf area, seedling height, and root length) and leaf anatomical structure of the seedlings in different simulated acid rain treatments were compared. The result showed that the seedling growth were seriously depressed in the acid rain with pH value <3.0. The leaves presented injury symptoms; many seedlings died. Some of the epidermal and vascular bundle cells were found broken or necrosis under microscopy. By comparison, in the treatments with pH values greater than 3.0, the seedlings exhibited minor symptom. Visible damage was not clear; only epidermal cells were damaged. Based on the growth parameter, acid rain with pH value between 3.0~4.0 could stimulate the seedling growth, which was dominated by a positive effect.
Key words:  Michelia maudiae Dunn, simulated acid rain, resistance to acid rain, anatomy